Foxes in your garden can be annoying and destructive.

Foxes - Everybody loves them and everybody hates them! It's such a grey area where the fox is concerned!

When you have a resident fox

Do not feed foxes and if you have neighbours who you are friendly with then try to deter them from feeding foxes too!

Interfere with the foxes routine in your garden

The fox will only use your garden if it feels safe and secure in the knowledge that it won't be disturbed by humans. Take back your garden and use it! Tidy it up! De-clutter it! 


If you still have trouble with foxes then you can call Surekil Pest Control! 

We do not cull foxes. Period.

We can remove foxes if you have done all the above. We use live catch cage traps and once caught we re-locate them unharmed. We only trap foxes between October and Late January.

Fox Proofing

Surekil Pest Control can in a lot of cases proof your garden borders. We can proof the underside of your shed bases, reinforce fencing etc...

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