Wasp season is nearly upon us!


Wasps can be very dangerous to deal with once fully established.

If you suffer from wasp nests in your loft or outbuildings regularly then a good tip is to check these spaces around March, April and May as this is when a new queen fresh from hibernation will emerge and start to build her nest.

During these months you will probably find the beginnings of a nest about the size of a golf ball.

If you do find any of these then you could quite safely treat it yourself by entering the loft at night with a low light torch and a can of insecticide spray and apply for a few seconds to the nest.

If you find a wasp nest!

A common sign of wasps in a particular location is lots of wasps travelling to a key point.

You can be certain you have found a wasp nest and it will be located directly behind the hole it's entering.

A busy wasp nest is a dangerous wasp nest and if you attempt to treat it at this stage then you will definitely get stung and probably 'multiple times'.

Surekil will takes the hits for you! 

When you have a wasp problem then call us because even though we can still get stung even with our protective clothing we love the Adrenalin rush!!

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